By Haley Hegwood, Potts Family Foundation, Program Specialist and Training Coordinator
Economic stress triggers a chain reaction of hardship that affects every aspect of families and their young children’s lives. RAPID survey data from the first year of the pandemic showed that an increase in material hardship in one week led to heightened parental emotional distress the following week, which in turn increased young children’s behavioral problems in subsequent weeks. The Know and Grow initiative found that 93% of parents we reached across Oklahoma noted significant family challenges during the pandemic, including financial issues.
These financial challenges persist still today and contribute to adversity that can permanently set children’s response systems on high alert, which disrupts development and learning. From ACES research, we know that high stress levels in childhood can cause lifelong challenges. Recognizing this, Potts Family Foundation seeks organizations who want to offer a mitigating, two-generation response – supporting families with economic mobility coaching.
Mobility Mentoring® is a coaching model based on a decade of research and development. It comprises four essential elements: Coaching for Economic Mobility, The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®, Goal Setting, and Recognition. After training, coaches help participants strengthen decision-making and navigate their situations to escape poverty. A key tool is The Bridge to Self-Sufficiency®, a visual aid that identifies strengths and obstacles to success in five pillars: Family Stability, Well-Being, Financial Management, Education & Training, and Employment & Career. EMPath’s most recent Impact Report highlighted that “98% of organizations would recommend the Mobility Mentoring Exchange to others.” This model complements the transformational work already being done by family-serving agencies across Oklahoma.
Our Know and Grow work has confirmed that families are struggling. Children born during the pandemic now face staggering inflation, and those with the fewest resources are hardest hit. To best support families, we must find persistent solutions that not only meet basic needs but help them thrive. The journey out of poverty can be complex and stressful, but the research-backed, affordable Mobility Mentoring® coaching model is designed to address these stressors. It is based on brain science, culturally sensitive, and historically proven to eradicate poverty.
If your organization is interested in becoming involved in our cohort for Mobility Mentoring in Oklahoma, please join us at our informational webinar on July 18, 2024 or August 12, 2024 at 11AM. Register here. Watch this video to learn how families are positively impacted by Mobility Mentoring and read success stories.